Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Technology can be wonderful. A friend emailed me photos of his new home on Flickr. I don't use most of what is out there as I have not found a use for it yet. If I feel I had a need to use some of these things then I would possibly make an effort to incorporate them into my life. I'm a little slow! Just looking at Flickr and seeing all of the options make my mind reel. TMI as they say.
But, I am willing to learn if I can see some sort of benefit for my life.


Henry in Repose
Originally uploaded by WebSphinx

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Blogging in the library

Blogging in the library is a good way to communicate when you can't all get together. It would be great for committee members who need to share ideas, ask questions and get feedback from one another.

Viewing problems as challenges

The most difficult part of blogging is trying to see that a challenge is not an obstacle but a way to learn new things. Technology has always been a challenge for me. I need to be calm and not get frustrated. I will look at it like I did when I learned to bake. Sure, I burned a cake at first. So what? I'm really good at it now and my baked goods are delicious! So I will get through this blogging thing. Maybe there will be something sweet and toothsome at the end to enjoy!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Blob.. er...The Blog

This is my first attempt at "The Blog". Maybe I should have named it "The Blob". I am open to new things, I keep telling myself and yet, my computer fights me every step of the way. I make mistakes and lose time. Thank goodness for all of our helpers on staff.

Okay , I'm exhausted with all of this. On to the next thing.